Miraculous Season 5 Episode 13 Migration English

Miraculous Season 5 Episode 13 Migration English Dub


Miraculous Ladybug Season 5 Episode 23 Revolution Synopsis:

 The episode opens with Marinette rushing to the Couffaine houseboat Liberty where she awkwardly greets all her friends. She then rushes over to Luka, stuttering over her words, and finally says she needs to talk about the new stickers she designed for the Kitty Section. Luka smiles at her and makes an excuse to allow him to talk to Marinette in private.

Then when they are both in Luke’s room, Marinette starts talking about her problems; she admits that she struggles to find the right words when she’s with Adrien, but she also struggles with herself. Marinette pauses for a moment and then covers her face with her hands saying that she’s the worst because she’s talking about her love life with Luka when she broke his heart. But Luka then looks down at his guitar and then kindly comforts Marinette. The conversation ends with him saying “You know where to find me”.

As Marinette leaves the room, she sees Adrien walking towards her holding a keyboard. As the two greet each other, she tries to walk past him, but ends up getting stuck between Adrien’s keyboard and the wall. The camera switches to Luke’s perspective for a brief moment, but Marinette and Adrien quickly change into Ladybug and Cat Noir costumes; reminding viewers that Luke knows the secret identities of superheroes. After Adrien tries to talk to Marinette, Marinette hurriedly runs away, still feeling “unsafe” around Adrien.

Adrien then enters the room, stuttering over his words, only to say that he thinks his keyboard is faulty. Luka smiles and then the scene changes to a similar scene from before, but this time Adrien is sitting across from Luke, instead of Marinette. Adrien begins by thanking Luke; because of him, he found his “inner tune” and love for Marinette, but it scared him that Marinette still couldn’t find hers. Luka then calms Adrien down and ends the conversation by saying, “You know where to find me”.

Out of nowhere, a window opens behind Luka, followed by a Jagged Stone! Jagged Stone stutters over his words and finally states that he has “a super important question about this guitar pick.” Luka smiles and then the scene changes to a similar scene from before, Luka is on the bed with his father sitting across from him. Jagged Stone then admits that he wants to be a better father, but he has no idea how. Luka then calms him down and says that all he needs is to spend time with his family. The conversation then ends with Luka saying “You know where to find me, Dad”. (you see the pattern)

Before the scene moves on, a familiar voice starts yelling Jagged’s name. Luke’s father then proceeds to leave through the window, realizing that Penny was looking for him. Penny then rushes into the room and says she needs to find Toothless because Bob Roth wants him to record a new album. Luka then smiles and the scene changes to the two sitting on the bed facing each other. Penny then admits that she is in love with Luke’s father, but has no idea why. She then gives a long list of childish things about Jagged and why “he’s a walking disaster”. Luka then reassures her that love is always inexplicable, which is why she is probably confused. But when Luka is about to say “you know where to find me”, Bob Roth interrupts and starts yelling at Penny and bombarding her with questions about Jagged’s whereabouts. Penny then admits that she was looking for Jagged and expected to find him with his son as well. Stunned by the fact that Jagged Stone has a son, Bob Roth goes to Luke and laughs that “only a fool” would have a child with that “useless”.

Unexpectedly, Anarka appears behind Bob, saying that she will be the “crazy one”. She angrily states that Bob boarded her boat without permission, and the setting suddenly changes to a cartoon scene where Bob Roth is thrown from the boat into the Seine while wearing a duck float. The scene changes quickly and the band Kitty Section begins to rehearse one of their many songs, but now the focus is on Luke entering the surface of the boat, the first then looking at Adrien and Marinette sitting alone, separated from the group. Like the previous scene, Marinette and Adrien slowly fade into Ladybug and Cat Noir costumes, reminding the audience again that Luke knows the identities of Paris’ beloved superheroes.

Out of nowhere, Bob Roth appears on the side of the ship and unexpectedly starts clapping during Kitty Section’s performance and then offers the group to sign him. The group suddenly pauses, but then Luka bravely speaks up and says that Bob Roth already offered them a contract but never got around to it. Bob unconvincingly tries to say that he never forgot the deal and that he was just waiting for the right time, but before he can finish it, Anarka comes and throws him off the ship with the same scene from earlier. Luka then confronts his mother and kindly tells her that she should give him a chance.

Moments later, Bob Roth returns aboard the ship and agrees with Luka that “everyone deserves a chance” and “everyone can change”. To prove his point, he admits that he was not very honest in the past, but now he has changed and wants to sign a real contract with the group. He starts ranting about how this new contract will “fill their pockets” and “save them no matter what.” Excited, the band members start squealing happily about having their first record label album. The scene quickly cuts to a short montage of each band member happily signing contracts until Bob Roth interrupts and says “You’re all fired except Jagged Junior” while donning a diving suit. Confused, Luka stated that he would never have worked for the two without his friends and that he couldn’t force him to do his job.

Bob replies with a cheeky grin that obviously he can, and that’s what contracts were for. Before long, each member of the band is staring at their contracts, each of them gasping in unison. Without a care in the world about what happens next, Bob begins teasing and taunting the group, with the former saying that they “should have listened to the old pirate” and “never should have signed”. He then puts his swimming goggles over his eyes and gives a thumbs up, signaling to Anarca that he is ready to get off the ship. A cartoon scene from earlier then plays, continuing with the group reading the contract and realizing what they just did. The scene quickly cuts to Luke quickly reading the contract, admitting that everything is his fault.

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