Miraculous Season 1 Episode 11 Horrificator

Miraculous – Season 1 Episode 11 Horrificator ENGLISH Horrificator-267

Miraculous Ladybug Season 1 Episode 11 Horrificator

 In Miss Bustier’s classroom, Mylène and Adrien hold water pistols and hide behind the teacher’s desk. For a moment, it is revealed that they are acting for a short film that Nino is making as an entry for the competition. Mylène plays the role of Agent Smith, while Adrien plays the role of Officer Jones, and the two come up with a plan to bring down the monster. However, filming is interrupted when Mylène panics and screams at the sight of Ivan’s monster costume.

To calm herself, Mylène sings “Smelly Wolf” but backs up to Adrien and screams again. Chloé then makes fun of Mylène and makes her run away. Adrien calls Chloé out on how mean she is, but Chloé brushes it off. Ivan runs to Mylène and tries to comfort her by telling her that she is a better actress than she thinks and that the other students are too quick to judge her.

He gives her a badge from his favorite band, the Zombie Skull Crushers. Mylène puts her hatpin back on and thanks Ivan, but is still upset and runs into the bathroom crying. Sensing Mylène’s distress, Hawk Moth sends akuma at her.

Back in class, Nino brags to the class about how they treated Mylène and how they no longer have their lead actress because of it. Chloé then says that Mylène was a terrible actress and that she could be better; Ivan scolds Chloé for the way she treated Mylène. As the producer, Marinette decides to go find Mylène, but the other students decide that until Mylène returns, someone has to fill her role. Chloé wants to play the part because of the scene in the script where Agent Smith kisses Inspector Jones. Both Marinette and Alya freak out at the mention of this scene—Marinette because it could lead to Adrien and Chloé kissing, and Alya because, as a writer, she never wrote a kissing scene into the script. Nino reveals that he added the scene himself, which infuriates Alya, who says that Nino had no right to change the script and that the new scene does not contribute to the overall story and development of the central characters. Marinette stops the fight and tells the class that she will find Mylène.

Just before Marinette enters the bathroom, an akuma arrives and pins Mylène’s Zombie Skull Crushers. Hawk Moth offers Mylène a chance to frighten and terrify others, and she accepts, transforming into the Scarecrow, a creature that feeds on fear. After the transformation, she coughs pink slime onto the mirror and hides in a stall as Marinette enters the bathroom calling for Mylène. When Marinette enters the room, she notices slime on the mirror and begins to investigate, but is interrupted by Alya, who enters the bathroom and warns Marinette that the scene where Chloé kisses Adrien is in the process of being filmed. Marinette and Alya return and interrupt the scene before Chloé and Adrien get a chance to kiss.

The students continue to argue. Chloé suggests turning Agent Smith into a nurse because she says she would look good in a nurse’s outfit. This irritates most of the students, but Marinette uses it as a distraction and suggests that Chloé should go find a nurse costume. Chloé leaves, taking Sabrina, Kim and Max with her. Nino complains because they have no female lead again. Alya suggests that Marinette take on the role of Agent Smith. Marinette protests, but Alya quietly reminds her that this would be an opportunity to kiss Adrien. Marinette reluctantly agrees to take on the role, but says that Mylène will take over once she returns.

Meanwhile, Chloé, Sabrina, Kim and Max leave the school while the Horrificator watches from the roof. Chloé praises the idea of ​​getting a sister’s uniform. When Chloé arrives at the school’s front doors, she realizes that Marinette is never a fan of her ideas and suspects that they have all been tricked. She leads Sabrina back to the classroom and tells Kim and Max to finish finding the nurse’s uniform. As Chloé and Sabrina leave, the Horrificator sneaks up behind Kim and Max and startles them, making them both scream.

Back in the classroom, Nino starts filming Marinette and Adrien. Marinette says one sentence and leans in to kiss Adrien. Before they have a chance to kiss, Chloé bursts open the door and interrupts, yelling at Marinette for tricking her and saying that the movie needs her because her father is one of the judges. Suddenly, a scream is heard from elsewhere in the school.

The students run out into the courtyard to find pink slime and Kim’s tape. Marinette realizes that the pink slime is the same as the one she saw in the bathroom and suggests they find Headmaster Damocles to talk about what to do. She notices Nino filming the situation and tells him to stop, but he refuses, suggesting that he can use it in his film. Adrien heads back to the classroom, claiming to be picking up Officer Jones’ jacket. As the other students run to Principal Damocles’ office, Scary starts coating the entire school in pink slime.

In class, Adrien takes off his shoe – to make it look like he’s being picked up by the Horrificator – and transforms into Cat Noir. Marinette has a similar plan, she puts her phone down in the hallway and transforms into Ladybug in the library.

Inside the office, the students find only pink slime and realize that Principal Damocles is missing. They head back down the hall and find Marinette’s cell phone, assuming they took it too. They then realize that the entire school is covered in slime and that none of their cell phones have any signal. Ladybug arrives on the scene and tries to evacuate the students, but Cat Noir explains that the slime is indestructible. He pulls Ladybug aside and repeats the situation and what they are to do; Ladybug totally agrees. Nino films the whole scene.

Meanwhile, Horrificator carries Max to her lair in the maintenance area and holds him by the tail. He throws it into a small pod of slime. As Max screams, the Horrificator grows a bit larger and Hawk Moth encourages the Horrificator to absorb the fear of the students. Horrificator covers Max’s pod in slime and traps him inside.

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