Miraculous Season 2 Episode 4 BEFANA

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Miraculous Ladybug Season 2 episode 4 Befana

 It's Marinette's birthday! To celebrate, Tikki creates a special charm called Kwagatama to give as a birthday present. She tells Marinette that kwami ​​have been giving their holders gifts for years and are happy to be her kwami, but Marinette is distracted. Tikki is hurt that Marinette wasn't paying attention and believes she doesn't like the gift, but Marinette apologizes and quickly explains that she was thinking about the surprise her classmates were planning. Marinette tells Tikki about the various things she saw at school (Juleka holding a bicycle pump at school, Nino listening to her favorite song, Adrien and Alya whispering and acting nervous when they arrive) and tells her that she believes Alya's story about that he has to go to the dentist is just code for surprise. To check, she asks her parents, and their guilty and nervous response confirms her suspicions. Excited that her classmates would do something so nice, Marinette rushes to the door to greet them when she hears the doorbell.

Much to her and her parents' surprise, however, it is her grandmother Gina. Gina welcomes Marinette and gives her a shirt as a birthday present. However, the shirt is for a much smaller child. He also gives Marinette the candies she liked as a child. Tom and Sabine try to convince Gina that Marinette is old enough to like new things, but Gina rejects her son and insists that they have fun. Gina and Marinette drive off on her motorcycle. Grandma Gina takes Marinette to the park and the zoo, still under the impression that Marinette is a small child. Meanwhile, Marinette worries that she made a mistake at the party. She doesn't like the candy Gina gave her but is too polite to tell her. Then Alya calls Marinette and asks her to come to the "dentist". Marinette is excited that the party is still going on and asks Grandma if she can go. The two disagree and Gina thinks Marinette is just making excuses to get out of their day. He returns home depressed. Sabine tells Tom to talk to her, but he accidentally destroys Marinette's birthday cake. The two work to make the cake so the party will be saved and forget about Gina. Meanwhile, Gina finds out that Marinette lied about eating the candy she gave her. Sensing her negative emotions, Hawk Moth sends an akuma that enters the candy can. It gives her the ability to "punish the bad and reward the good" and akumatizes her into Befan.

Befana goes down and turns Tom, who was trying to correct her, into coal. When Sabine objects, Befana tells her that she was always sweet and turns her into a fairy. Befana orders Sabine to marry her to Marinette. Marinette is having a great time at her party and has just received a present from Adrien when Befana attacks. Befana refuses to listen to her excuses and tries to turn her into coal. Instead, the bullet hits Mylène. Adrien manages to escape and transform into Cat Noir. Befan's blow hits Adrien's present and she remarks that Marinette doesn't deserve presents. Cat Noir confronts Befana and tells her that he likes her wearing black. She offers to help him wear white like one of her fairies, but he declines the offer, saying that black brings out the green in his eyes. Befana puts Sabine on Cat Noir and continues to attack Marinette. Marinette is unable to transform and is in danger of turning into coal. Alya and the other children decide to save her themselves. Alya starts throwing dishes at Befan and is turned into coal. Then Kim tries to grab Befana's weapon and is transformed as well. He orders the kids to back off, but Rose yells at her to leave Marinette alone, telling her she's the sweetest girl in the world. Although Befanu is upset that Rose spoke without permission, she thinks Rose was kind to defend her friend and turns her into a fairy.

Marinette attempts to transform but is interrupted by Cat Noir who carries her away. Befana sends Rose and Sabine to attack them, but the remaining children lasso them with banners and try to stop them. Befana turns the remaining children into coal and sets out to avenge Marinette. Cat Noir takes Marinette to the Eiffel Tower and returns to face Befana after wishing her a happy birthday. Marinette uses a moment of solitude to transform. Meanwhile, Befana goes through town turning "bad" people into coal and "good" people into fairies. She is knocked off her bike in the middle of her song by Cat Noir, who makes up his own song. The song is completed by Ladybug, who enters the scene. Hawk Moth orders Befana to attack them, but Befana tells him to say a magic word to which he replies "please". However, he decides to get Marinette first and heads to the Eiffel Tower. A panicked Cat Noir follows her, saying that he left the girl. Ladybug almost tells him that she happened to be fine and goes after him. Cat Noir tries to take control of Befana's cycle, but is knocked off the bike and has to be rescued by Ladybug. Befana tries to turn Ladybug into an angel, saying that she would make a perfect minion, but Ladybug avoids the blast and manages to get into the tower. Befana is angry that she rejected her "gift" and let her angels attack her. As the angels attack Cat Noir, Befana is chased by a tower that fires at her. He shoots straight into the air and Ladybug manages to dodge out of the way. The projectiles are pulled by gravity and almost hit Befan, who is afraid of her own attack. Befana dodges the shots. He tries to shoot the Ladybug, but has to reload his gun. Ladybug tells Cat Noir that Befana is vulnerable to her own bullets. He comments that the akuma is probably in a candy can. Ladybug uses the Lucky Charm and gets the tube.