Miraculous Ladybug Season 5 Episode 10 Transmission English Dub
Marinette is lying on the bed in her room; her windows are covered with curtains so the room is almost completely dark and her photos of Adrien are in the trash. Sabine enters her daughter’s room and tries to get her to school. As it turns out, Marinette, depressed about her love life, doesn’t want to be involved. When Sabine leaves, Tikki tells Marinette that she can’t stay in her room forever. Marinette tries to give Tikki her Miraculous, which Tikki refuses. Marinette laments her supposed failed romances. Tikki tries in vain to cheer her up.
Adrien goes to Marinette’s house to give her her homework and also tries to cheer her up and worry Plagg that they might fall in love and reveal their identities. Meanwhile, Miss Bustier’s class is having a party because Adrien and Marinette are inevitable, or so they think. Zoé is skeptical. During this, Alya keeps receiving calls from her sister Nora, which she refuses to answer. Meanwhile, a dejected Marinette refuses Adrien’s help. Adrien leaves Marinette’s room; now they are both depressed.
Sensing Adrien’s grief, the Monarch attempts to akumatize him. However, he hesitates as he realizes that Adrien does not have an Alliance. Unable to see their holders in so much pain, Tikki and Plagg decide to reassign their Miraculous and say goodbye to their holders.
Back at Françoise Dupont, over Zoé’s worries, Nino calls Adrien, who is now home in his room, crying in the dark. Adrien asks Nathalie to answer his phone; Nathalie tells Nino that Adrien doesn’t feel like talking, making everyone sad. Gabriel then comes to Adrien’s room, to which Nathalie warns him not to take advantage of Adrien’s misfortune. Gabriel ignores this warning and gives Adrien the Alliance, which Adrien takes immediately after his father leaves. Tikki and Plagg take their Miraculouses and free Marinette and Adrien from their despair. Monarch attempts to akumatize Adrien, but Adrien feels better when he realizes he can go back to Marinette’s house and fix it. Marinette also realizes her newfound freedom and pulls her photos of Adrien out of the trash. Monarch quickly finds another target – one with not one, but five alliances.
Adrien runs over to Marinette’s house and finds her posting her pictures of Adrien. Marinette apologizes for her perpetual behavior towards Adrien. Marinette tries to tell Adrien that she loves him, but he struggles to do so. Adrien comes up with an idea to help: he makes her raise her right hand for “yes” and her left hand for “no”. Marinette answers Adrien’s questions about her feelings for him and he gives Marinette homework. Back at Françoise Dupont, most of Miss Bustier’s class and Marc try to formulate a plan to save Marinette and Adrien’s love, which is interrupted when Alya receives another phone call from Nora, which she answers. Nora tells Alya that she humiliated fellow kickboxer Kouki to his friends and humiliated him on social media and that she needs advice on how to handle the situation. Meanwhile, Tikki and Plagg are also at the school to choose their new holders. When Tikki chooses Alya, Plagg chooses Nino, but when he finds out that Nino is in love with Alya, he backs off, thinking that the same situation will happen with their previous holders. Zoé speaks up and suggests that they should talk to Adrien and Marinette before making a plan and leaves for Marinette’s house. This prompts Plagg to choose her as the wielder of his Miraculous. The akumatized Kouki, Kikou, now has Voyage, Clout, Shell-ter and Resistance and attacks Paris. Hearing the destruction rising on Marinette’s balcony, nearby Marinette and Adrien realize that it is no longer their duty to protect Paris, so they wait for the threat to pass.
Kikou, now in Les Olympiades, continues to destroy Paris. Alya, now Scarabella again, and Zoé, now the heroine of Kitty Noire, appear on the scene; they don’t have time to introduce themselves because they need to fight Kouki. Kitty Noire tries to Cataclysm Kikou’s Shell-ter, but Kikou’s Resistance prevents his Shell-ter from breaking. The Monarch gives Kika his fifth and final Miraculous Power: Multiplicity. Kikou uses it to spawn into three slightly smaller clones of himself. Scarabella summons her luck charm and gets a towel. Scarabella explains her plan to Kitty Noire, who runs off to do her part while Scarabella distracts Kikou and dodges his attacks. Kitty Noire collects the firemen, their truck, and buckets of blue paint from Socqueline’s family’s art store. The firemen fill their truck with blue paint and give Kitty Noire a hose. She fills the Lucky Charm towel tied to her staff with paint, pours it on an unsuspecting Kikou, and blinds him. He drops his Shell-ter and gives Scarabelle the opening she needs to smash his headgear with her yo-y. Scarabella captures and purifies Kikou’s Megakum and returns it back to Kouki. Nora appears on the scene and argues with Kouki. Scarabella advises the two to keep their emotions in check when communicating, to which they agree. Scarbella summons her Miraculous Scarabella and repairs the damage. Now rest assured that the new owners of their Miraculouses will handle future akumatizations just fine, Adrien and Marinette exchange smiles as the damage is repaired.
Monarch’s alliance informs him of superhuman activity on two alliances: Alya’s and Zoe’s. He smiles a mischievous grin and laughs, ready to attack the new miracle mounts.