Miraculous Season 2 Episode 23 FROZER

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Miraculous Season 2 Episode 23 Frozer

 Cat Noir and Ladybug once again save the city of Paris. Cat Noir offers Ladybug a rose when she finishes. She denies him again because she loves someone else. He is sad and somewhat angry and goes about his normal daily activities (such as fencing). He fights Kagami and is easily defeated because he feels so down. Feeling depressed in the dressing room, Adrien picks up the rose he was going to give to Ladybug. Kagami arrives and tells him that he should “choose another target” so he hands her a rose. Despite this, Adrien still admits that he loves Ladybug, even though Plagg insists on pursuing Kagami. Adrien tries to talk to Nathalie and Gorilla about his personal problems, but no one pays attention. Then he goes back to school and sees that everyone has a partner, either friends or lovers. Marinette runs into him and he asks for some love advice. Marinette thinks it’s about her, but Adrien says it’s about Kagami and she gets upset. She accidentally insults Kagami by calling her an ice queen, but quickly turns it into an ice rink. Adrien says he’s afraid to go to the ice rink and Marinette agrees to go with him and Kagami.

Marinette and her friends meet on Jules’ houseboat and discuss how bad things are for her and try to come up with a plan. He declines and says he’s going to get Adrien because he’s a friend and needs help and that he’s not jealous. Rose asks if it’s because they love each other. On the contrary, Marinette sadly claims that there is nothing between them. After hearing this, the girls (except Marinette) start arguing about her feelings for Adrien and how she ended up “dropping” him. Feeling abandoned, Marinette walks out of the room and sees Luke playing the guitar. His music tells her feelings and he tries to cheer her up with another song and she laughs. She then asks him if he’s free tomorrow.

At Adrien’s house, Adrien lies to his father and says he’s going to practice one-on-one with Kagami, but Gorilla drops him off at the ice rink. At the rink, a horrified Phillippe questions the mayor’s decision to close the rink to make it a gym for Chloé. Phillippe notices the four going in and says he’ll get a signature in 10 minutes to keep the building. Adrien comments on Luke but quickly moves on to his own problems. Marinette advises Adrien, but suddenly falls into Luke’s arms. Luka looks cold and tells Marinette, “Relax and follow me.” completely ignoring Adrien. Adrien looks a little sad and walks over to Kagami, who briefly teases him about not knowing how to tie his shoelaces. Kagami ties his laces and they continue skating. Adrien and Kagami skate perfectly, but Marinette has problems and distracts her from time to time.

Phillipe then goes to each person and asks for a signature and each person denies. Adrien is nervous and Kagami is showing off his skills and confidence at this point. Luke does some really nice skating with Marinette. Kagami and Adrien get closer; Marinette sees this and gets distracted and falls off Luka and hits a wall. When she’s down, Luka and Adrien both come to save her, but she struggles over whose hand to grab. Kagami comes and pulls her up and whispers that the only reason she can’t stay on her feet is because of her hesitation, adding that she never hesitates. After he pulls Adrien away. Desperate again, Marinette tells Luke that she hurt herself and needs to go sit down. After seeing her looking sad on her skates, Adrien tells Kagami that he needs to check on Marinette as she looked sad as a devastated Phillippe sits down to hear the mayor’s final decision to close the rink. Hawk Moth detects Phillippe’s emotions and sends an Akuma after him.

Marinette locks herself in the bathroom and Tikki flies out of her purse. She tells Tikki that she likes Luka and that he’s nice, but wonders if he’s like Adrien, a friend. Adrien suddenly knocks on the bathroom door, surprising her and Tikki, and asks if she’s okay, to which she agrees. Plagg then reminds him that he’s in love with Ladybug and now kicks Kagami out to go after Marinette. Adrien rather clarifies that she is just a friend.

At this point Hawk Moth’s akuma reaches and akumatizes Phillippe into Frozer and he begins to freeze all of Paris. Noticing the rink turning to ice, Adrien and Marinette each quickly turned on their kwami ​​as the ice’s power increased and transformed. When they meet, Cat Noir acts angry and cold as he says that Ladybug rejected the rose. He runs off to find Frozer himself, leaving the protesting Ladybug to search on her own. The ladybug is thinking of a trap but wondering what to use as bait. Watching her from the Eiffel Tower, Frozer sees her and prepares to attack her. However, Cat Noir, who has seen everything, jumps in at the last moment and pushes Ladybug out of the way, and they escape. Ladybug thanks him and he winks. Frozer starts chasing them, throwing ice shards with his skates, which they dodge. Ladybug remarks how he is too fast. They go under the bridge just then, but Frozer jumps over it, now showering them with more ice shards, which they continue to dodge. Ladybug then comments that she’s sure the akuma is in his skates. They continue to dodge more shards and eventually Frozer loses sight of them and searches for them. Meanwhile, as the two hide behind a truck, Cat Noir says that he can use his Cataclysm to destroy the skates, but Frozer has to be high in the air to do so. She then tells Ladybug that she was right to set the trap and also tells Cat Noir that he was right to observe as they now know more about their surroundings. Ladybug then uses her Lucky Charm and gets a bag of salt to her confusion until she notices a small amount of salt leaking out of the bag and where the salt was, the ice is gone. Ladybug then realizes that salt melts ice and instructs Cat Noir to melt the objects and she distracts Frozer so he can use his Cataclysm on Frozer’s skates. The plan works and Frozer is deakumatized into Philippe.

When he returns, Kagami seems a bit upset that he keeps doing what the others tell him to do. Adrien tells her that he wants Philippe to be happy and that he won’t change his goal because he knows that one day he will succeed. He looks at Marinette as he says this. Kagami tells them that if the day comes and he realizes he has the wrong target, she will be there for him and kisses his cheek before getting into the car and driving away. Marinette, after seeing this, is desperate again. Her expression is caught by Luke, who, after asking her if she wants to take the subway and her not responding, tells her that she should talk to Adrien as his car leaves. She thanks him for coming with her, gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and runs to Adrien screaming his name. They get out of the car and she confesses her love for him to Adrien.

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